Site prep and foundation

In November of 2020, the country approved the building permit application and my contractor immediately got to work. 

One thing that worried me a bit (and ended up being a non-issue) was the site preparation. The trees along the fence had to go, some of the existing concrete needed to be removed, and the area graded and leveled (there used to be a 15-degree slope).

I don't remember exactly now, but I think it took 3-4 days to prepare the site. Being able to bring equipment from the utility road behind the fence really helped, because without it, many things would've had to be done by hand. 

Once the site was ready, the team installed the form boards along the perimeter and put in the plumbing pipes.

Then more foundation prep work was done.

And finally they brought in the concrete.

There was one unexpected challenge: concrete shortage. By the time the foundation prep work was finished, for some reason, everyone ran out of concrete. Don't know what caused it: the COVID related supply chain problems, higher than expected demand, or something else, but in November of 2020, a small building contractor would have to wait 2-3 weeks to get the concrete delivered. Luckily, my contractor found a way, so there was no wait (which seemed like a miracle).

When I saw the foundation done, I finally realized that there would be a house in my backyard.



